何厚建,胡茂荣,赖雄.正念的研究现状——基于ISI Web of Science数据库的CiteSpace分析[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2019,32(2):120-125.,Current research status of mindfulness——CiteSpace analysis based on data from ISI Web of Science Database[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2019,32(2):120-125
正念的研究现状——基于ISI Web of Science数据库的CiteSpace分析
Current research status of mindfulness——CiteSpace analysis based on data from ISI Web of Science Database
中文关键词:  正念  研究现状  可视化  CiteSpace
英文关键词:Mindfulness  Research status  Visualization  CiteSpace
何厚建 南昌大学第一附属医院 
胡茂荣 南昌大学第一附属医院 
赖雄 南昌大学第一附属医院 
      【摘要】 为总结当前正念研究的现状,探究未来的研究方向.利用可视化分析软件CiteSpaceⅢ对2009年-2018年ISI Web of Science数据库中7395篇有关正念的文献进行作者、机构和关键词分析,挖掘正念研究领域的作者间、机构间合作情况和研究现状。结果显示,十年中正念研究领域内各作者多以小团体为单位进行合作,机构间的合作具有整体性,研究现状主要体现在正念的临床应用。
      To summarize the current status of mindfulness research and explore the research direction in the future. The visual analysis software CiteSpace Ⅲ was used to analyze the authors, institutions and keywords from 7 395 articles of mindfulness research included in the ISI Web of Science Database from 2009 to 2018, this may also helped to explore the status of cooperating between authors and institutions and the current state of mindfulness researches. Results showed that the cooperation between authors was between independent small group while the cooperation between institutions was more global. The current research situation was mainly reflected in the clinical application of mindfulness.
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