张丹,田一农,张杰,苏永刚.基于社会参照论的老年人自杀意念相关的心理落差质性研究[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2022,35(4):349-353.Zhang Dan,Tian Yinong,Zhang Jie,Su Yonggang,Psychological gaps related to the suicidal ideation in the elderly based on Social Reference Theory: a qualitative study[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2022,35(4):349-353
Psychological gaps related to the suicidal ideation in the elderly based on Social Reference Theory: a qualitative study
中文关键词:  老年  自杀意念  落差  社会参照论  质性研究
英文关键词:Elderly  Suicidal ideation  Gap  Social Reference Theory  Qualitative study
张丹 山东大学基础医学院山东 济南 250012 250012
田一农 山东大学外国语学院山东 济南 250100 250100
张杰 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分院社会学系纽约州 布法罗 14222 14222
苏永刚* 山东大学基础医学院山东 济南 250012 250012
      目的 基于社会参照论,揭示老年人自杀意念的心理落差,以期为老年人的心理危机干预与管理提出对策。方法 采用目的抽样法,于2018年-2019年在山东省济南市37所养老机构筛选出19名有自杀意念和自杀未遂史的老年人为研究对象。对老年人进行半结构式访谈,采用Colaizzi的七步分析法对访谈资料进行分析。结果 有自杀意念的老年人往往经受了强烈的心理落差,包括健康与功能落差、家庭角色落差、社会整合落差、孝顺期望落差以及理想自我落差。结论 心理落差是老年人出现自杀意念的重要心理动机,降低心理落差感可作为老年人自杀干预的突破口。
      Objective To unmask the psychological gaps related to suicide ideation in the elderly based on Social Reference Theory, so as to put forward countermeasures for psychological crisis intervention and management.Methods From 2018 to 2019, purposive sampling was adopted to select 19 elderly people with history of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt from 37 geriatric nursing institutions in Ji'nan, Shandong province. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the elderly, and the collected data were processed by Colaizzi seven-step analysis method.Results The qualitative analysis showed that the elderly with suicidal ideation often experienced strong psychological gaps, including physical condition and function gap, family role gap, socially isolated and lonely gap, filial expectation gap and the gap between the real self and ideal self.Conclusion The psychological gaps serve as the main psychological motivator for suicidal ideation in the elderly, therefore, reducing the psychological gaps can be a new approach for the suicide intervention among the elderly.
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