Analysis on the Medication Status of Schizophrenia Patients at Home in Mianyang
投稿时间:2020-03-09  修订日期:2020-08-26
中文关键词:  精神分裂症 社区管理 抗精神病药物 服药依从性
英文关键词:schizophrenia  psychotic symptoms  antipsychotic  drug treatment rates
文红 四川省精神卫生中心 绵阳市剑南路东段190号
王丹* 四川省精神卫生中心 绵阳市剑南路东段190号
杨先梅 四川省精神卫生中心 
王维 四川省精神卫生中心 
田绍丽 四川省精神卫生中心 
      【摘要】 目的 掌握绵阳市居家在管精神分裂症患者药物治疗现况,寻找提高居家在管精神分裂症患者管理治疗质量的有效方法。方法 采用《绵阳市居家严重精神障碍患者服药情况调查表》调查患者的一般情况、疾病情况、服药情况、患者服药态度、监护人服药态度、家庭监护能力、药物获取及管理、服药保政策等,于2018年4月由经统一培训的调查员对绵阳市居家在管精神分裂症患者10452例及其监护人进行问卷及访谈调查。结果 完成调查的9831例(94.06%)患者中1238(12.59%)为间断服药,1418(14.42%)为未服药;间断服药及未服药的主要原因是患者本人拒绝服药1791(67.43%);影响患者服药的主要因素:有无精神病性症状(P<0.01)、家庭经济状况(P<0.05);影响患者服药态度的主要因素:监护人的服药态度(P<0.01)、用药频次(P<0.01)。结论 精神分裂症患者是否遵医嘱服药原因众多,最关键的是患者及其监护人对疾病的认知和治疗态度及用药频次。
      【Abstract】?Objective??This?paper?aims?to explore?effective?ways?to?improve?the?management and treatment for schizophrenia?patients?at?home?in?Mianyang by collecting and analyzing the information of illness condition and medication status. Methods Trained investigators performed questionnaire investigation on 10452 registered schizophrenia?patients and their guardians by using “Questionnaires?about?Medication?Status?of Patients with Severe Mental Disorders at Home in Mianyang”, which included general information, illness condition, medication status, patient attitude, guardian attitude, family-care status, drug supply and management, policy, etc. in April 2018. There are 9831 questionnaires?(94.06%) that were completed and analyzed with SPSS 24.0. Results Among 9831 patients, there are 1238 (12.59%) patients irregularly taking medicine, 1418 (14.42%) patients not taking medicine, 1791 (67.43%) patients refusing to take medicine. The major factors that affect the patients’ medication status are psychotic?symptoms (P<0.01) and family financial situation (P<0.05). The major factors that affect the patients’ attitude to tablets are guardians’ attitude to tablets (P<0.05) and medication?frequency?(P<0.01). Conclusions The major factors that lead to unsatisfactory medicine status are the frequent medication and the patients’ and the guardians’ poor knowledge about the disease and the importance of regular long-term medication.
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