Investigation and Management of Mental Health of High School Students in Pearl River Delta
投稿时间:2020-08-17  修订日期:2020-12-30
中文关键词:  高中生 心理健康 中学生心理健康量表(MSSMHS)个体化管理
英文关键词:Senior High School Student Mental health Middle School Students Mental Health Scale Individualized management
邓碧兰 佛山市第二中学 
李晓玲 佛山市第三人民医院 
李文轩 佛山市第三人民医院 
黄炜 佛山市第三人民医院 
缪祝意 佛山市第二中学 
黄仁保 佛山市第二中学 
黎雪松* 佛山市第三人民医院 528041
      [基金项目:2020年度佛山市中小学思想政治理论课建设专项研究重点课题(项目编号:2020FSSZK03) ]【摘要】目的:调查珠江三角洲(简称“珠三角”)某高级中学学生的心理健康状况,分析比较不同性别、年级以及文理分科、成绩排名学生的健康状况,推进学生心理健康个体化管理。方法采用《中国中学生心理健康量表》(MSSMHS)对“珠三角”某中学全校1917名高中学生的心理健康情况进行心理测评,比较该校高中生心理健康状况与常模的差异,分析性别、年级、学习成绩等因素与心理健康的关联性。结果 高中生心理异常检出率31.4%;其中男生269人(29. 5%);女生333人(33.57%);各因子异常检出率最高为学习压力感异常(54.9%);其次为心理不稳定性(52.5%),第三是焦虑(51.3%),心理不稳定的检出率最低(21.7%);文科生高于理科学生;学习成绩优良的学生心理状况较好;高中一年级学生有心理异常倾向的人数比例最大。结论 “珠三角”某中学高中生心理健康状况不容乐观,有别于常模及同区域类似的研究报告,特别需要关注高一年级学生、女生以及成绩一般学生。心理问题的产生可能因人而异,需家庭、学校、专业医疗机构共同协作,进行个体化管理。
      【Abstract】Objective To investigate the mental health status of a senior middle school students in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), analyze and compare the health status of students with different gender, grade, arts and science, grade ranking, and promote the individualized management of students' mental health. Methods Using the Mental Health Scale of Chinese Middle School Students (MSSMHS) to evaluate the mental health of 1917 high school students in the Pearl River Delta, To compare the difference between mental health status and norm of high school students, To analyze the correlation between gender, grade, academic achievement and mental health. Results The detection rate of psychological abnormality was 31.4%, of which 269 were boys (29.5%),333 were girls (33.57%), the highest rate of learning stress (54.9%), the lowest rate of psychological instability (21.7%), the percentage of girls with psychological abnormality tendency was higher than that of boys, and the liberal arts students were higher than that of science students. The psychological condition of those with excellent academic achievement is better. The percentage of the first grade students with psychological abnormal tendency is the largest. Conclusion The mental health status of high school students in Pearl River Delta is more specific than that of norm and regional schools, But still, Special attention needs to be paid to the mental health problems of high school students, girls and students with average grades.
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