Clinical interview and treatment of dependent personality disorder comorbid persistent depressive disorder
投稿时间:2020-09-06  修订日期:2020-12-23
中文关键词:  依赖型人格障碍  持续性抑郁障碍  心理咨询  治疗建议
英文关键词:Dependent personality disorder  Persistent depressive disorder  Psychological counseling  Treatment recommendations
李 洁 无锡市精神卫生中心 江苏省无锡市滨湖区华府天地尊元5-1902
龚玲 深圳康宁医院 
张道龙* 北京华佑精神康复医院 北京市昌平区北京华佑医院
      The purpose of this article is to report the complete process of diagnosis and treatment of a patient with dependent personality disorder comorbid persistent depressive disorder. The patient is a 17-year-old unmarried male with doting parents who do everything all the time. The client is unable to live independently, has difficulties in interpersonal communication, is lazy and passive in life, has low mood and self-injury behavior, is addicted to games, divorced from reality in speech, with serious impairments in his education and daily life. After consultation, the client was diagnosed with dependent personality disorder comorbidities persistent depressive disorder. It was suggested to him to adopt an integrated biological - psychological - social intervention treatment. The client was encouraged to exercise regularly, use methylphenidate sustained-release tablets as a synergism with escitalopram, and take an SSRI drug to improve mood, attention, and motivation. Cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended for psychotherapy. Socially, he should continue to take time off from school until his ability to live independently and socialize is further improved, and then resume studies to prepare for a future life.
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