Advances in the efficacy of dialectical Behavior therapy in the treatment of non-suicidal self-injury -- Evidence from the Functional brain image
投稿时间:2020-12-16  修订日期:2021-07-01
中文关键词:  辩证行为疗法、非自杀性自伤、心理治疗、fMRI
英文关键词:Dialectical Behavior therapy  Non-suicidal self-injury  Psychotherapy  fMRI
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(项目名称: 5-HTT和BDNF基因介导青少年自杀未遂的影像遗传学分析,项目编号:81671360,项目名称: 基于机器学习分析预测青少年抑郁症自杀风险的研究,项目编号:81971286)
李泓志 重庆医科大学附属大学城医院 重庆市沙坪坝区大学城中路55号
况利* 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 重庆市渝中区袁家岗友谊路1号
      This paper intends to systematically review the efficacy and imaging related studies of DBT in the treatment of NSSI, so as to provide reference for the clinical treatment of NSSI. NSSI has a very high incidence in the population and is a major threat to the physical and mental health of adolescents. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has more evidence support and shows certain advantages compared with other intervention methods.In recent years, with the development of neuroimaging technology, some studies have preliminarily revealed the effects of DBT treatment on patients' brain nerves, which provides an important objective basis for the efficacy of DBT treatment. In this paper, the effect of DBT in the treatment of NSSI and the brain imaging evidence of DBT in the treatment of NSSI are described and discussed, so as to provide evidence for the effectiveness of DBT in the treatment of NSSI.
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