Muhammad Zahid abbas,梁雪梅,刘可智.中国某高校留学生跨文化适应压力及其心理因素[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2014,27(2):97-101.Muhammad Zahid abbas,LIANG Xue-mei,LIU Ke-zhi,An evaluation of acculturation stress,mental health issues and adaptation difficulties of international students in China[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2014,27(2):97-101
An evaluation of acculturation stress,mental health issues and adaptation difficulties of international students in China
中文关键词:  跨文化适应压力 心理健康 适应困难 留学生
英文关键词:Acculturation stress  Mental health issues  Adaptation difficulties  International students
Muhammad Zahid abbas 泸州医学院 
梁雪梅 泸州医学院附属医院 
刘可智 泸州医学院附属医院 
      目的 调查留学生跨文化适应压力的检出率及其相关因素。同时了解留学生的生理、心理因素与社会适应及中国文化之间的相互作用。方法采用抑郁焦虑压力量表、修订版社会文化适应量表和留学生版跨文化适应量表调查某高校共100名来自9个不同国家的留学生。结果调查结果显示32%的留学生存在跨文化适应压力问题,排前两位的适应问题分别是思念家乡和饮食问题。同时,留学生也存在压力、抑郁和焦虑等心理问题,不同年级留学生的压力问题发生率分别为:大一9.6%、大二37.5%、大三10.6%、大四25%、大五25%。抑郁症状发生率分别为:大一28.6%、大二12.5%、大三5%、大四40%和大五31.2%。焦虑症状发生率分别为:大一52.3%、大二37.5%、大三12.1%、大四30%和大五28.1%。社会文化适应第一位障碍是语言问题,其次是留学生在中国文化下保留自己的风俗习惯和个人兴趣的问题。结论留学生的适应问题突出,高校有必要加强引导和制定相关政策,以便留学生更好的适应中国文化。
      Objective The purpose of present study was to determine the prevalence of acculturative stress,mental health issues and adaptation difficulties among international students in China.This study was also aimed to understand the physical, social and psychological interaction of international students in the host culture.Methods A total of 100 international students from nine countries completed the self administered questionnaires which were Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-2 1 ),Revised Socio Cultural Adj ustment Scale (SCAS-R),and Acculturative Stress Scale for International Students (ASSIS). These different scales were used to evaluate acculturation stress,mental health issues and adaptation difficulties respectively. Results Results showed that 32 percent of students were facing acculturation stress in new culture.The main stressors were homesickness and food problems. International students were also experiencing the stress,depression and anxiety.9.6 percent students in 1st year,37.5 percent students in 2nd year,10.6 percent students in 3rd year,25 percent students in 4^th year and 25 percent students in 5th year were with stress.28.6 percent students in 1st year,12.5 percent students in 2^nd year,5 percent students in 3rd year,40 percent students in 4^th year and 31.2 percent students in 5^th year were depressed and 52.3 percent students in 1st year,37.5 percent students in 2^nd year,12.1 percent students in 3^rd year,30 percent students in 4th year and 28.1 percent students in 5^th year were with anxiety.The top barrier in sociocultural adaptation was language.International students were also facing difficulties to maintain their hobbies and personal interests in the host community.Conclusion It is very important for Chinese university authorities to conduct research in this area in order to facilitate the adaptation and academic learning of international students in China
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