李纯,王小平.341例精神分裂症被鉴定人精神症状与社会危害行为的关系[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2014,27(2):145-147.LI Chun,WANG Xiao-ping,Correlation between psychiatric symptom and the index offence of 341 schizophrenic offenders for criminal responsibility assessment[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2014,27(2):145-147
Correlation between psychiatric symptom and the index offence of 341 schizophrenic offenders for criminal responsibility assessment
中文关键词:  精神分裂症 社会危害行为 精神症状
英文关键词:Schizophrenia  Psychiatric Symptom  Crime
李纯 湖南省脑科医院 
王小平 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 
      目的 探讨精神分裂症被鉴定人精神症状与社会危害行为的相关性。方法采用自制的调查表,通过查阅委托单位的鉴定委托送交材料和鉴定意见书的方式对湖南省341名无责任能力精神分裂症被鉴定人实施社会危害行为时存在的主要精神症状如幻觉、妄想、同时存在幻觉和妄想、思维逻辑障碍、行为紊乱等与其社会危害行为包括严重暴力社会危害行为、非严重暴力社会危害行为等信息进行登记,并进行关联性检验。结果①严重暴力社会危害行为组与非严重暴力社会危害行为组间不同精神症状构成比存在差异(χ^2=16.259,P=0.003),精神症状与社会危害行为之间有关联(列联系数为0.213)。②精神分裂症被鉴定人实施严重暴力社会危害行为时以妄想症状出现的频数最多128例(45.7%);实施非严重暴力社会危害行为时以思维逻辑障碍出现的频数最多27例(44.3%)。③与严重暴力社会危害行为有关的妄想症状类型以被害妄想为主占106例(82.8%)、幻觉症状类型以命令性幻觉为主占13例(54.2%)、同时存在幻觉、妄想症状的以其它言语性幻听和被害妄想为主占76.6%。结论精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与妄想有关,其非严重暴力社会危害行为可能主要与思维逻辑障碍有关。其中被害妄想、命令性幻听、同时存在其它言语性幻听和被害妄想的精神症状类型可能与精神分裂症被鉴定人严重暴力社会危害行为有关
      Objective To understand the correlation between psychiatric symptom and the index offence of schizophrenic offenders for criminal responsibility assessment.Methods A self-developed questionnaire was used to investigate 341 schizophrenic offenders with no criminal responsibility by reason of mental disorder.The related information was recorded,such as the main psychiatric symptom (hallucination,delusion,hallucination and delusion coexisting,logic disorder,conduct disorder)during schizophrenic offenders implemented offence and the index offence (severe violent crime,non-severe violent crime).The Chi-Square Test was used to test the correlation between psychiatric symptom and the index offence of schizophrenic offenders in this study.Results ①Results of the Chi-Square Test showed that theχ^2=16.259,P=0.003(P〈0.05),contingency coefficient=0.213.②The frequence of delusion related to severe violent crime was 45.7% and the frequence of logic disorder related to non-severe violent crime was 44.3%.③In delusion or hallucination related to severe violent crime,the frequence of persecutory delusion and command hallucination were 82.8% and 54. 2% respectively,and in hallucination and delusion coexisting related to severe violent crime,the frequence of other verbal auditory hallucination and delusion of persecution coexisting was 7 6 .6% in these schizophrenic offenders.Conclusion The severe violent crime was may related to delusion and non-severe violent crime was may related to logic disorders in the schizophrenic offenders for criminal responsibility assessment.Delusion of persecution,command hallucination and other verbal auditory hallucination and delusion of persecution coexisting were may related to the severe violent crime of schizophrenic offenders for criminal responsibility assessment
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