吴艳,王永娜,张大伟,郝晶晶,于川,王亚楠,王书芬.住院青少年抑郁症患者压力知觉与自杀意念的关系:心理资本的作用路径[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2024,37(6):515-519.Wu Yan,Wang Yongna,Zhang Dawei,Hao Jingjing,Yu Chuan,Wang Ya'nan,Wang Shufen,Relationship between perceived stress and suicide ideation in adolescent inpatients with depression: the pathway of psychological capital[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2024,37(6):515-519
Relationship between perceived stress and suicide ideation in adolescent inpatients with depression: the pathway of psychological capital
中文关键词:  抑郁症  压力知觉  心理资本  自杀意念  中介分析
英文关键词:Depression  Perceived stress  Psychological capital  Suicide ideation  Mediation analysis
吴艳 北京回龙观医院/北京大学回龙观临床医学院北京 100096 100096
王永娜 北京回龙观医院/北京大学回龙观临床医学院北京 100096 100096
张大伟 北京回龙观医院/北京大学回龙观临床医学院北京 100096 100096
郝晶晶 山西省社会福利精神康宁医院山西 太谷030800 030800
于川 吉林省神经精神病医院吉林 晋中 136000 136000
王亚楠 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院北京 100045 100045
王书芬* 北京回龙观医院/北京大学回龙观临床医学院北京 100096 100096
      背景 住院青少年抑郁症患者的自杀意念受多种因素影响,压力知觉与自杀意念密切相关,但其对住院青少年抑郁症患者自杀意念影响的作用路径尚不明确。目的 探讨心理资本在住院青少年抑郁症患者压力知觉及自杀意念之间的作用路径,以期为降低住院青少年抑郁症患者的自杀意念提供参考。方法 选取2021年6月—2023年3月于北京回龙观医院住院治疗的、符合《国际疾病分类(第10版)》(ICD-10)抑郁症诊断标准的青少年患者585例。采用自编问卷、中文版压力知觉量表(CPSS)、积极心理资本问卷(PPQ)及贝克自杀意念量表中文版(BSI-CV)进行调查。采用Pearson相关分析考查各量表评分之间的相关性。使用Bootstrap法检验心理资本在压力知觉与自杀意念之间的作用路径。结果 住院青少年抑郁症患者CPSS评分与BSI-CV评分呈正相关(r=0.375,P<0.01),CPSS评分、BSI-CV评分与PPQ评分均呈负相关(r=-0.481、-0.436,P均<0.01)。心理资本在压力知觉与自杀意念之间的间接效应显著,间接效应值为0.160(95% CI:0.178~0.373),占总效应的30.42%。结论 住院青少年抑郁症患者的压力知觉可以直接影响自杀意念,也可以通过心理资本的作用路径影响自杀意念。
      Background Suicide ideation in adolescent inpatients with depression is a multi-factorial problem, and perceived stress is considered to be closely related to suicide ideation, while its mediating role in suicide ideation among adolescent inpatients with depression remains unclear.Objective To explore the mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship between perceived stress and suicide ideation among adolescent inpatients with depression, so as to provide references for preventing the onset of suicide ideation in adolescent inpatients with depression.Methods A sample of 585 adolescent patients who were hospitalized in Beijing Huilongguan Hospital from June 2021 to March 2023 and fulfilling the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10) diagnostic criteria for depression were enrolled. All patients were evaluated using self-designed questionnaire, Chinese Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS), Positive Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PPQ) and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation-Chinese Version (BSI-CV). Pearson correlation was used to assess the correlation among the scores of the above scales. Bootstrap method was employed to verify the mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship between perceived stress and suicide ideation.Results CPSS score in adolescent inpatients with depression was positively correlated with BSI-CV score (r=0.375, P<0.01), and CPSS score and BSI-CV score were negatively correlated with PPQ score (r=-0.481, -0.436, P<0.01). Psychological capital played a significant yet a partial role in mediating the link between perceived stress and suicide ideation, with an indirect mediating effect value of 0.160 (95% CI: 0.178~0.373), accounting for 30.42% of the total effect.Conclusion The perceived stress of adolescent inpatients with depression can affect the onset of suicide ideation both directly and indirectly through psychological capital.
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