都松美,吴小林,贺丹,吴清贵,练玉颖,龚红霞.中晚期住院癌症患者反刍性沉思水平及其影响因素:一项多中心横断面研究[J].四川精神卫生杂志,2025,38(1):41-45.Du Songmei,Wu Xiaolin,He Dan,Wu Qinggui,Lian Yuying,Gong Hongxia,Rumination level and its influencing factors among middle-advanced cancer inpatients: a multicenter cross-sectional study[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2025,38(1):41-45
Rumination level and its influencing factors among middle-advanced cancer inpatients: a multicenter cross-sectional study
中文关键词:  反刍性沉思  癌症  影响因素  社会支持
英文关键词:Rumination  Cancer  Influencing factors  Social support
都松美 成都医学院第二附属医院核工业四一六医院四川 成都 610081 610081
吴小林 成都医学院第二附属医院核工业四一六医院四川 成都 610081 610081
贺丹 成都医学院第二附属医院核工业四一六医院四川 成都 610081 610081
吴清贵 成都市第六人民医院四川 成都 610051 610051
练玉颖 宜宾市第一人民医院四川 宜宾 644099 644099
龚红霞* 成都医学院第二附属医院核工业四一六医院四川 成都 610081 610081
      背景 癌症患者反刍性沉思能发挥一定程度的心理调适作用,既往研究侧重于考查单一种类的癌症患者的反刍性沉思水平,缺乏对不同种类的癌症患者反刍性沉思水平的调查和影响因素研究。目的 探讨中晚期住院癌症患者反刍性沉思水平及其影响因素,以期为临床开展有针对性的心理护理提供参考。方法 于2021年1月—2022年12月采用系统抽样法选取在核工业四一六医院、成都市第六人民医院和宜宾市第一人民医院住院治疗的TNM分期Ⅲ期及以上的癌症患者346例。采用领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)和中文版事件相关反刍性沉思问卷(C-ERRI)进行调查。采用Logistic回归分析反刍性沉思水平的影响因素。结果 住院癌症患者C-ERRI侵入性反刍性沉思和目的性反刍性沉思评分分别为(15.59±5.61)分和(14.59±5.43)分。受教育程度为初中/高中/中专(OR=0.817,P<0.01)和大专及以上(OR=0.579,P<0.05)是侵入性反刍性沉思的保护因素;个人年收入<1万元(OR=4.918,P<0.01)和1~5万元(OR=2.076,P<0.01)以及社会支持程度低(OR=6.882,P<0.01)和中等(OR=3.114,P<0.01)是侵入性反刍性沉思的危险因素。受教育程度为初中/高中/中专(OR=0.574,P<0.01)和大专及以上(OR=0.449,P<0.05)是目的性反刍性沉思的保护因素;社会支持程度低(OR=1.391,P<0.01)和中等(OR=1.161,P<0.05)是目的性反刍性沉思的危险因素。结论 中晚期住院癌症患者侵入性反刍性沉思水平与受教育程度、经济状况和社会支持程度有关;目的性反刍性沉思水平与受教育程度和社会支持程度有关。
      Background Rumination can play a certain degree role of psychological adjustment in cancer patients. Previous studies have focused on studying the level of rumination in a single type of cancer patient, but there is a lack of comprehensive investigation and influencing factor research on rumination levels in different types of cancer patients.Objective To explore the level of rumination and its influencing factors among middle-advanced cancer inpatients, so as to provide certain guidance for targeted psychological care in clinical practice.Methods From January 2021 to December 2022, a systematic sampling technique was used to recruit 346 patients with TNM stage III or above tumors hospitalized in Nuclear Industry 416 Hospital, Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital and the First People's Hospital of Yibin. All individuals were assessed using Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS) and the Chinese version of Event-Related Ruminant Inventory (C-ERRI), and Logistic regression analysis was utilized to identify the influencing factors of rumination.Results In terms of C-ERRI, patients scored (15.59±5.61) on intrusive rumination and (14.59±5.43) on deliberate rumination. Education levels of junior high school/high school/vocational training school (OR=0.817, P<0.01) and junior college and above (OR=0.579, P<0.05) were the protective factors of intrusive rumination, whereas annual personal incomes of <10 000 yuan (OR=4.918, P<0.01) or 10 000~50 000 yuan (OR=2.076, P<0.01) and low (OR=6.882, P<0.01) or middle (OR=3.114, P<0.01) level of social support were the risk factors of intrusive rumination. For deliberate rumination, education levels of junior high school/high school/vocational training school (OR=0.574, P<0.01) and junior college and above (OR=0.449, P<0.05) were the protective factors, and low (OR=1.391, P<0.01) or middle (OR=1.161, P<0.05) levels of social support were the risk factors.Conclusion The level of intrusive rumination of inpatients with middle-advanced cancer is related to education level, economic status and social support, furthermore, the level of deliberate rumination is related to the educational level and social support. [Funded by Medical Research Project of Chengdu Health Commission ( number, 2020119)]
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