Effect of repeated rTMS on efficacy and cognitive improvement in adolescent depression
投稿时间:2022-07-25  修订日期:2023-02-27
中文关键词:  青少年抑郁症  认知功能  重复经颅磁刺激
英文关键词:Adolescent depression  Cognitive function  Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
曲伊平 华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院 河北省唐山市曹妃甸区华北理工大学
黄琳 华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院 
孛伟男 华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院 
王晓一 华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院 
姜宝顺 开滦精神卫生中心 
陈允恩* 华北理工大学心理与精神卫生学院 河北省唐山市曹妃甸区华北理工大学
      目的 探讨重复经颅磁刺激对青少年抑郁症患者的疗效和认知功能的改善作用影响。方法 选取华北理工大学附属医院心理门诊2021年9月~2022年3月符合《国际疾病分类(第10版本)》(ICD-10)诊断标准的60例青少年抑郁症患者,采用随机数字法随机分成研究组(草酸艾司西酞普兰联合rTMS治疗)和对照组(草酸艾司西酞普兰联合rTMS伪刺激治疗)各30例,两组均治疗4周。在治疗前和治疗1、2、3、4周采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评分及减分率评定抑郁症状,治疗前和治疗4周后采用运动筛查任务(MOT)、规则转换任务(RST)、延迟性样本匹配(DMS)任务进行认知功能评估。记录两组治疗前后的不良反应情况。结果 治疗前和治疗1、2、3、4周HAMD评分重复测量方差分析结果显示:时间因素显著,(F=1871.243,P<0. 05),两组 HAMD评分均随治疗时间的延长逐渐降低;组间分析结果显示研究组HAMD评分降低幅度高于对照组( F=38.716,P<0. 05),并且随着治疗时间的延长,疗效显著(F=207.742,P<0.05)。治疗4周后研究组的减分率明显高于对照组(93.3% vs. 73.3%,2=4.320,P=0.038)。两组治疗前RST、DMS各变量无明显差异(P均>0.05),治疗后RST、DMS各变量与治疗前相比均有明显改善,且研究组治疗后各变量显著高于对照组(P均<0.05)。两组不良反应的发生率无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论 草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗联合重复经颅磁刺激在改善青少年抑郁症患者症状的同时,患者的执行功能和记忆功能等认知功能也能得到改善。
      Objective To investigate the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on the efficacy and improvement of cognitive function in adolescents with depression.Methods Sixty adolescent depression patients who met the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases (Version 10) (ICD-10) from September 2021 to March 2022 in the psychological outpatient clinic of the Affiliated Hospital of North China University of Technology were selected and randomly divided into a study group (escitalopram oxalate combined with rTMS treatment) and a control group (escitalopram oxalate combined with rTMS pseudo-stimulation treatment) using the random number method. There were 30 cases each, and both groups were treated for 4 weeks. Depressive symptoms were assessed before treatment and at weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 using Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) scores and subtraction rates, and cognitive function was assessed before treatment and after 4 weeks of treatment using the Motor Screening Task (MOT), Rule Switching Task (RST), and Delayed Sample Matching (DMS) tasks. Adverse effects were recorded before and after treatment in both groups.Results The results of ANOVA for repeated measures of HAMD scores before treatment and at weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4 of treatment showed that the time factor was significant, (F=1871.243, P<0. 05), and HAMD scores in both groups gradually decreased with increasing treatment time; the results of between-group analysis showed that the reduction in HAMD scores was higher in the study group than in the control group ( F=38.716, P<0. 05), and with The results of intergroup analysis showed that the reduction of HAMD score in the study group was higher than that in the control group ( F=38.716, P<0. 05), and the efficacy was significant with the extension of treatment time (F=207.742, P<0. 05). The rate of score reduction was significantly higher in the study group than in the control group after 4 weeks of treatment (93.3% vs. 73.3%,2=4.320, P=0.038). There was no significant difference in each variable of RST and DMS between the two groups before treatment (all P > 0.05), and each variable of RST and DMS improved significantly after treatment compared with that before treatment, and each variable was significantly higher in the study group than in the control group after treatment (all P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P > 0.05).Conclusion Escitalopram oxalate treatment combined with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves the symptoms of adolescent depressed patients while the patients' cognitive functions such as executive and memory functions are improved.
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