Reasonably carry out mean value comparison: MANOVA of the quantitative data collected from the factorial design
English keywords:Interaction  Factorial design  Factorial design with block factor  Fractional factorial design  Multivariate analysis of variance
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Author NameAffiliationAddress
Hu Chunyan Graduate School, Academy of Military Sciences PLA China
Hu Liangping* Graduate School, Academy of Military Sciences PLA China
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English abstract:
      【Abstract】 The purpose of the paper was to introduce the basic concepts, calculation methods, two medical examples and SAS implementation related to the factorial design quantitative data multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Basic concepts included interaction, factorial design, factorial design with block factor and fractional factorial design. Calculation methods involved the general statistics and test statistics. The two medical examples were respectively related to the influence of extrusion degree and additive dosage on its performance in the process of manufacturing plastic film and searching for the optimal process conditions of extruded plastic film. With the help of SAS software, MANOVA was carried out on the quantitative data in two examples, and how to determine the final analysis of variance model was discussed.
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