Hu Chunyan,Hu Liangping,How to use χ2 test correctly—— the goodness of fit tests and the implementation of the SAS software[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2021,34(5):417-423
How to use χ2 test correctly—— the goodness of fit tests and the implementation of the SAS software
English keywords:Goodness of fit test  Lack of fit test  Likelihood ratio test  Sparse data  χ2 distribution
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Author NameAffiliationPostcode
Hu Chunyan Graduate School Academy of Military Sciences PLA China Beijing 100850 China 100850
Hu Liangping Graduate School Academy of Military Sciences PLA China Beijing 100850 China
Specialty Committee of Clinical Scientific Research Statistics of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies Beijing 100029 China 
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English abstract:
      The purpose of this article was to introduce the goodness of fit test and its SAS implementation. The main contents included the following four aspects: ① Pearson?s goodness of fit test; ② deviance or likelihood ratio goodness of fit test; ③ Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test; ④ goodness of fit test for the sparse data. In the aforementioned “fourth aspect”, there were six specific test approaches, namely “information matrix test” “information matrix diagonal test” “Osius-Rojek test” “unweighted residual sum of squares test” “Spiegelhalter test” and “Stukel test”. The paper implemented the four types of the goodness of fit tests mentioned above with the help of the SAS software through an example, explained the output results, and made statistical and professional conclusions.
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