Liu Tiebang,Practical considerations in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2023,36(6):481-484
Practical considerations in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder
English keywords:Bipolar disorder  Lithium  Anticonvulsant drugs  Antidepressants
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Author NameAffiliationPostcode
Liu Tiebang Shenzhen Kangning Hospital Shenzhen Mental Health Center Shenzhen 518020 China 518020
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English abstract:
      Bipolar disorder is one of the most common mood disorders characterized by an early age of onset and high prevalence rate, and patients tent to have poor prognosis due to high misdiagnosis rate and incomplete diagnosis rate. At present, existing pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder remains highly variable. Therefore, this paper presents a review of indications of the medications, clinical therapeutic effect and adverse drug reactions, thus providing references for the pharmaceutical treatment of bipolar disorder.
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