Li Zhiyuan,He Shuhan,Huang Guoping,Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: research progress and challenges[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2025,38(1):1-6
Dialectical behavior therapy for borderline personality disorder: research progress and challenges
English keywords:Dialectical behavior therapy  Borderline personality disorder  Efficacy  Mechanism
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Author NameAffiliationPostcode
Li Zhiyuan Sichuan Mental Health Center·The Third Hospital of Mianyang Mianyang 621000 China
Clinical Medicine School of Southwest Medical University Luzhou 646000 China 
He Shuhan Mental Health School North Sichuan Medical College Nanchong 637000 China 637000
Huang Guoping* Sichuan Mental Health Center·The Third Hospital of Mianyang Mianyang 621000 China
Clinical Medicine School of Southwest Medical University Luzhou 646000 China 
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English abstract:
      Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is one of the empirically supported therapeutic approaches for borderline personality disorder (BPD). By integrating behaviorism, dialectical philosophy, biosocial theory and Zen principles, DBT aims to enhance patients' emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance, thereby alleviating BPD symptoms. This article systematically reviews the theoretical foundations of DBT and its research progress in BPD treatment, to Delve into the intervention effects of DBT, as well as the adjuvant role of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy in enhancing DBT for BPD, and analyzes the challenges faced in DBT research and clinical application. The findings are expected to provide new insights for the localization and theoretical research of DBT in China.
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