Chen Min,Lyu Dongsheng,Wang Zheng,Hou You,Effect of target characteristics on prospective memory in patients with depressive disorder[J].SICHUAN MENTAL HEALTH,2025,38(1):14-21
Effect of target characteristics on prospective memory in patients with depressive disorder
English keywords:Depressive disorder  Prospective memory  Target emotional valence  Target salience
Fund projects:内蒙古自治区卫生健康委医疗卫生科技计划项目(项目名称:抑郁障碍患者认知功能损害与睡眠紊乱关系的研究,项目编号:202202104)
Author NameAffiliationPostcode
Chen Min Inner Mongolia Autonomous Mental Health Center Inner Mongolia Autonomous Third Hospital Inner Mongolia Brain Hospital Hohhot 010010 China
Inner Mongolia Normal University Hohhot 010010 China 
Lyu Dongsheng Inner Mongolia Autonomous Mental Health Center Inner Mongolia Autonomous Third Hospital Inner Mongolia Brain Hospital Hohhot 010010 China 010010
Wang Zheng Inner Mongolia Autonomous Mental Health Center Inner Mongolia Autonomous Third Hospital Inner Mongolia Brain Hospital Hohhot 010010 China
Inner Mongolia Normal University Hohhot 010010 China 
Hou You* Inner Mongolia Normal University Hohhot 010010 China 010010
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English abstract:
      Background Many studies have shown that patients with depressive disorder show impairments in prospective memory, while it is deemed necessary for facilitating their social reintegration, and the current research findings are inconsistent regarding the factors affecting prospective memory of patients with depressive disorder.Objective To explore the impact of target characteristics (emotional valence and salience) on prospective memory in patients with depressive disorder, so as to provide references for the training and recovery of prospective memory function in these patients.Methods From January to December 2022, 53 patients with depressive disorder were recruited from the outpatient department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Mental Health Center. Meanwhile, 45 healthy individuals were concurrently recruited from surrounding communities as control group. An experiment with a 2 (participant type: depressive disorder, healthy control) ×2 (target salience: salient, non-salient) ×3 (emotional valence: positive, neutral, negative) factorial design was conducted. The positive/neutral/negative emotional pictures from Chinese Affective Picture System (CAPS) were used for emotional stimulation. A dual-task experimental paradigm was adopted, and the response time and accuracy in prospective memory task and ongoing task were recorded for participants with different target characteristics.Results ①In the prospective memory task, the main effect of participant type was statistically significant, with the depressive group showing lower accuracy (F=14.892, P<0.01) and longer response time (F=10.642, P=0.002) compared with control group. ② The main effect of target emotional valence on accuracy (F=7.575, P=0.001) and response time (F=3.196, P=0.044) in the prospective memory task was statistically significant. Simple effect analysis revealed that depressive group yielded a shorter response time and higher accuracy rate under negative conditions compared with positive and neutral conditions (P<0.05 or 0.01). ③ The main effect of target salience on accuracy (F=6.659, P=0.012) and response time (F=10.106, P=0.002) in the prospective memory task was also statistically significant, with higher accuracy and shorter response time for salient targets compared with non-salient targets.Conclusion Patients with depressive disorder demonstrate preferential attention to and processing of negative stimuli in prospective memory tasks, while increasing target salience may facilitate spontaneous processing of prospective memory task in patients with depressive disorder. [Funded by Inner Mongolia Health Commission Medical Health Science and Technology Project (number, 202202104)]
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